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 Çàïèòàííÿ:/* Safe Exam Browser, Version 3.4.1 (x86), Build
/* Copyright © 2022 ETH Zürich, Educational Development and Technology (LET)
/* Please visit https://www.github.com/SafeExamBrowser for more information.

# Application started at 2024-06-08 18:03:23.593
# Running on Windows 7, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (x86)
# Computer '215X04' is a  HP Compaq dc7700 Convertible Minitower manufactured by Hewlett-Packard
# Runtime-ID: a3910f65-9add-4fe7-83f6-39bc78fc488b

2024-06-08 18:03:24.025 [06] - INFO: Initiating startup procedure...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.049 [06] - INFO: Loading text data...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.053 [06] - DEBUG: [Text] System language is 'ru', trying to load data...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.055 [06] - WARNING: [Text] Could not find data for language 'ru'! Loading default language 'en'...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.066 [06] - DEBUG: [Text] Data successfully loaded.
2024-06-08 18:03:24.068 [06] - INFO: Starting communication host...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.130 [09] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Communication host is opening...
2024-06-08 18:03:24.192 [09] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Communication host has been opened.
2024-06-08 18:03:24.193 [09] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Successfully started communication host for endpoint 'net.pipe://localhost/safeexambrowser/runtime/80c4902e-fc9e-4dc5-8d17-c6d73aca46fb'.
2024-06-08 18:03:24.194 [06] - INFO: Attempting to verify application integrity...
2024-06-08 18:03:25.395 [06] - INFO: Application integrity successfully verified.
2024-06-08 18:03:25.398 [06] - INFO: Application successfully initialized.

2024-06-08 18:03:25.781 [06] - INFO: ### ------------------------------------ Session Start Procedure ------------------------------------- ###
2024-06-08 18:03:25.819 [06] - INFO: Initializing new session configuration...
2024-06-08 18:03:25.825 [06] - INFO:  -> Client-ID: 0f01e15c-03e5-402a-a367-2974bccd6c4a
2024-06-08 18:03:25.826 [06] - INFO:  -> Runtime-ID: a3910f65-9add-4fe7-83f6-39bc78fc488b
2024-06-08 18:03:25.827 [06] - INFO:  -> Session-ID: e836e67c-c9c2-4f0c-a611-5a86e91756d8
2024-06-08 18:03:25.852 [06] - INFO: Initializing application configuration...
2024-06-08 18:03:25.856 [06] - INFO: Found configuration file in app data directory: 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb'.
2024-06-08 18:03:25.860 [06] - INFO: [ConfigurationRepository] Attempting to load 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb'...
2024-06-08 18:03:25.938 [06] - DEBUG: [FileResourceLoader] Can load 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb' as it is an existing file.
2024-06-08 18:03:25.940 [06] - DEBUG: [FileResourceLoader] Loading data from 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb'...
2024-06-08 18:03:25.941 [06] - DEBUG: [FileResourceLoader] Created 'System.IO.FileStream' for 3,549 KB data in 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb'.
2024-06-08 18:03:25.942 [06] - INFO: [ConfigurationRepository] Tried to load data from 'file:///C:/Users/duit/AppData/Roaming/SafeExamBrowser/SebClientSettings.seb' using FileResourceLoader -> Result: Success.
2024-06-08 18:03:26.160 [06] - DEBUG: [BinaryParser] 'System.IO.FileStream' starting with 'pwcc' matches the Binary format.
2024-06-08 18:03:26.165 [06] - DEBUG: [GZipCompressor] Starting decompression of 'System.IO.FileStream' with 3,549 KB data...
2024-06-08 18:03:26.167 [06] - DEBUG: [GZipCompressor] Successfully decompressed 3,549 KB to 3,526 KB data.
2024-06-08 18:03:26.171 [06] - DEBUG: [BinaryParser] Attempting to parse password block with prefix 'pwcc'...
2024-06-08 18:03:26.323 [06] - DEBUG: [PasswordEncryption] Parsing encryption header...
2024-06-08 18:03:26.333 [06] - DEBUG: [PasswordEncryption] Generating keys for authentication and decryption...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.046 [06] - DEBUG: [PasswordEncryption] Generating HMACs for authentication...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.150 [06] - DEBUG: [PasswordEncryption] Decrypting data...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.173 [06] - DEBUG: [GZipCompressor] Starting decompression of 'System.IO.MemoryStream' with 3,446 KB data...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.177 [06] - DEBUG: [GZipCompressor] Successfully decompressed 3,446 KB to 38,955 KB data.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.179 [06] - DEBUG: [BinaryParser] Attempting to parse plain data block...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.213 [06] - DEBUG: [XmlParser] Found root node, starting to parse data...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.270 [06] - DEBUG: [XmlParser] Finished parsing -> Result: Success.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.272 [06] - INFO: [ConfigurationRepository] Tried to parse data from 'System.IO.FileStream' using BinaryParser -> Result: Success.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.561 [06] - INFO: The configuration was successful.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.567 [06] - INFO: Remote proctoring is disabled, skipping disclaimer.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.569 [06] - INFO: Validating remote session policy...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.622 [06] - DEBUG: [RemoteSessionDetector] System appears not to be running in a remote session.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.624 [06] - INFO: Validating virtual machine policy...
2024-06-08 18:03:27.640 [06] - DEBUG: [VirtualMachineDetector] Computer '215X04' appears not to be a virtual machine.
2024-06-08 18:03:27.644 [06] - INFO: Validating display configuration...
2024-06-08 18:03:28.464 [06] - ERROR: [DisplayMonitor] Failed to query displays!

   Exception Message: Not supported 
   Exception Type: System.Management.ManagementException

   â System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
   â System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
   â System.Linq.Enumerable.<CastIterator>d__97`1.MoveNext()
   â SafeExamBrowser.Monitoring.Display.DisplayMonitor.TryLoadDisplays(IList`1& displays) â C:\Users\appveyor\projects\seb-win-refactoring-674esuphbaumx3xa\SafeExamBrowser.Monitoring\Display\DisplayMonitor.cs:ñòðîêà 169

2024-06-08 18:03:28.482 [06] - WARNING: [DisplayMonitor] Failed to validate display configuration, active configuration is not allowed.
2024-06-08 18:03:28.537 [06] - ERROR: Display configuration is not allowed!
2024-06-08 18:03:46.805 [06] - INFO: ### -------------------------------------- Session Start Failed -------------------------------------- ###

2024-06-08 18:03:54.333 [06] - INFO: Initiating shutdown procedure...
2024-06-08 18:03:54.336 [06] - INFO: Stopping communication host...
2024-06-08 18:03:54.339 [06] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Communication host is closing...
2024-06-08 18:03:54.489 [06] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Communication host has been closed.
2024-06-08 18:03:54.490 [06] - DEBUG: [RuntimeHost] Terminated communication host for endpoint 'net.pipe://localhost/safeexambrowser/runtime/80c4902e-fc9e-4dc5-8d17-c6d73aca46fb'.
2024-06-08 18:03:54.492 [06] - INFO: Application successfully finalized.

# Application terminated at 2024-06-08 18:03:54.583

Âàøà â³äïîâ³äü