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Can I take your number? <a href=" http://towandfarm.com/essay-on-my-career-plan.pdf ">research papers buy online</a>  Causevic appeared before Circuit Judge Russell Healey in aJacksonville courtroom on Wednesday. He wore a rumpled greenjail uniform and stood with his hands cuffed in front of him,his legs shackled and his head down.
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Please read my message very well, because this is a "once in a lifetime opportunity."
I am contacting you because i see that you know things about internet and IT in general.
If i don't get a respons from you within the next 10 days, my offer will not be there for you anymore.

I presume that you already know what is WinAutomation (WA). In case you don't know what it is, i will explain to you below in a few words.
Presuming you already know what WinAutomation (WA) is, i would like to inform you that i am in posession of a very rare or Unique License key.

A legal license key, bough under my name! This is not a crack or generated license key!
This is an original license key that i paid for and as it comes to my attention, it might be unique.

Why is my license so unique? There are two reasons:
1) As you know, WA licenses used to cost US$1000/year, but with several limitations.
You paid US$1000/year for this software, but you had to pay extra if you wanted to use it on more computers
You had to pay more if you wanted to generate Robots and you had to pay for each computer that want to use the Robot.
This licensing sistem made impossible for you to create Robots and sell or rent them.

2) The second reason why my license is so special, is that since Microsoft Bought Winautomation, they killed it because they want to promote their own version of WA, which is more limited, more expensive, more time and resource consuming.
As an example, WA uses up to 80 times less RAM than "PA" for the same Automation process.

Now, you wondering what is my license about?
Well, my license is more of "a dream came true".
My license is unlimited!
- It works for all WA versions from 5 to the latest 9.
- Is not a subscription is a text key that never expires
- It allows you to install it and run it from unlimited computers.
- It allows you to create unlimited Robots and run them from unlimited computers, without requiring any other WA licenses.

Once again. is not a crack! Is a legal license key, bought with my own money.

To be honest, i paid a fortune for this license key, but it worthed because i had some very expensive project to finish and i could not do it with limitations.

Now, i am interested to sell this license and it can be yours if are willing to spend the right money on it.
Maybe you don't need it now, but think about the future. You can start a new business, where you can create robots with WA and sell them or subscriptions.
Because the license can be used on unlimited number of computers, it will not be really a sale, but more of a share of the license.
I give you my license key and you can use it on as many computers you want.
However, i am only willing to share it with 10 people who are willing to pay enough money to avoid public sharing.
To be more explicite, if you will pay me US$200 for this license, you will be tempted to share it on forums... etc. But if you pay me US$2000 for this license, you don't see a reason to share it on forums or on public spaces.

However, i will only share it with the highest 10 biders.
So if you are interested to get this license, all you have to do is to reply to this email and tell me your offer.
i will wait a few days to get more offers and then i will contact the people i decide to work with.

I know internet is full of scammers, so in order to prove that i have this kind of license, i am willing to offer any proof you need, except showing you the license key before you pay.
Once you know i have it, you know that i will share it with you, once you paid.

P.S. if you are not interested in the license, but you want me to build a custom Robot for you, you can hire me for this job too.

Now, if you don't know what WinAutomation is, the answer is simple:
WinAutomation is a software that allows you to automate anything you want on the internet.
- You have many employees that work on computer? No need them anymore. You can use Robots from Winautomation.
- Do you want to rank your website 1st in google? You can make your own Robot that does that.
- Do you want to have 1000 facebook/instagram accounts full of friends, to help you share your products/servicess to million of people? You can do this automaticalli with Robots.
- Do you want to contact thousands or million of companies or people to promote your product/servicess? WA robots can help you. (this is how i contacted you)
- WA was used in electoral campaigns also.

In short, you can create very easy, without programming skills, robots that you can move them in any computers and they can do everything human does.
Except that WA robots works sometimes millions of times faster.

For example, i had to generate 10 million of articles that looks like they were wrote by people and to post them into a website.
it tok me 4 hours to build the robot and the robot generated the articles and posted them in just 15 minutes.
One man could never do this by hand in an entire life span.

You can find more about WinAutomation on youtube or on the internet.
My intention is not to promote WinAutomation, because without my license you cannot use it anyway.
But if you see the oportunity here, my license can grow your business 100 times and above. You can start new business with my license and many other things.
Remember that you cannot buy anymore Winautomation Licenses and all licenses that were sold, has expired or they will expire very soon.
My license might be the last license that will work from now on with WA.

Thank you for your attention and i hope we can find a way to work togetter.

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