Radiophysics as a science I am a student of a Kiev state university, the department of radiophysics . That is why radiophysics and electronics is my future job. Radiophysics is one of the most important branches of modern physical science. It deals with numerous brand-new directions in physics, which appeared during the few decades. I’d like to say, that radiophysics is not only a pure science, but it has various practical applications, fist of all electronics, radioengeneering, lasers, computers, communications, and so on. While being the branch of physics, radioelectronics itself has some inner sections. Most well known are: non-linear optics physics of semiconductives ; microelectronics ; superconductivity ; automation of physical research. These are the largest directions inside of radiophysics. There are some more ones less known but also very important for the progress of science science and technology, which is going on very rapidly nowadays. And now in a nuts shell some information about what does each separate direction of radiophysics deals with. Non-linear optics is handling lasers and different optical devices which use them. In the field of practical application it works in order to achieve the maximum output power of radiation emitted, and make the wavelength range wider as possible. Physics of semiconductives works in the field of creation of the brand-new type of semiconductive devices. For example, in the field of transistors scientists try to achieve the highest frequencies of oscillations where the radio wave range interferes with the infrared range. Microelectronics works with extrabig chips. The research is conducted in order to create chips with bigger number of active elements in one envelope. On that way computers with the higher speed of processing of information would be created. But the most perspective research connected with computers is the creation of the optical calculating machine, where the photon streams will change the electric current. Now this research is in fully swing in our department. Physics of superconductivity is the youngest subdirection in radiophysics. In that area scientists are trying to achieve superconductivity within the temperature normal to our environment. If that would be achieved , it would be one of the most important technological breakthrough of the 21-th century. But this part of physics demand some additional knowledge especially in chemistry. That is why the students , who are receiving that skill , have chemistry classes during the first course. Automation of physical research is also quiet new trend of radiophysics. Modern laboratory nowadays is equipped with computers which help the physicists to conduct the research. And this particular field deals with the usage of computers writing the programs for them and so on. It is very important for me as for the future radiophysic to understand that my future speciality is very useful and important in modern life.