FACULTY OF RADIOPHYSICS The faculty trains specialists in the field of applied physics. Kiev University Faculty of Radiophysics was established in 1952. It was founded on the basis of the Department of Physical Electronics, the latter being founded at the Faculty of Physics, as early as 1937. The Faculty was set the task of training highly skilled specialists who were expected to combine a profound fundamental grounding in physics and mathematics with engineering schooling in the field of radioelectronics as well as in closely related branches of science, The Department of Radiophysics is as old as the Faculty itself One of the most active organizers of the Faculty and its first dean, I.A.Derugin. became head of the Department of Radiophysics (the Departnient of Quantum Radiophysics since 1962). The Department of Semiconductors was introduced into the Faculty in 1954 It was the first department of this type in the former Soviet Union Academician V.E. Zashkaryov was its organizer and its irst head . The Department of Electrophysics is responsible for training students in, general courses of physics Beginning since 1962 the following departments have been established within the Faculty the Department of Radioelectronics (1962). the Department of Cryogenics and Microelectronics (1972). and the Department of Theoretical Radiophysics (1987) Now Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences M.G.Nahodkim heads the Department of Cryogenics and Microelctronics and Academician of die Ukrainian Academy of Sciences V.G Baryohtar heads tne Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Radiophysics The scientific potential of rhe Faculry of Radiophysjcs has grown considerably and now it can, be compared to that of an independent research institute There are several scientific schools at the faculty now These schools are widely known not only in this country but abroad too They are the School of Physical Electronics. Physics of Semiconductors. and Nonlinear Optics