KYIV UNIVERSITY Among the Ukrainian institutions of higher education that train specialists for various fields of economy and conduct scientific research work special place belongs to Kyiv University. It is one of the biggest higher educational establishments in Ukraine. It was founded in 1834. In 1939 it was named after the great poet of Ukraine T.G.Shevchenko on the occasion of its 105-th anniversary. The university trains specialists for various fields of economy, conducts post graduate courses grant degrees. More 20.000 future specialists get their training there. They major in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, law, journalism, linguistics, etc. Students are admitted to the University on the basis of their results at the entrance examination. They study at 16 faculties containing 155 departments. The departments are grouped into faculties covering the main subject grouping student from about 80 countries are being trained at Kyiv University. They are from Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Senior student major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity. Their yearly tests and graduation papers are oriented towards the enterprises at which students are supposed to work afterwards. Naturally it is advantageous for such students to take their practical training before the graduation exams at their future place of employment. Students are provided with hostel accommodation meals at reasonable prices, sport and recreation facilities. They have free access to medical assistance. A modern University campus has been built in the outskirts of the city. Today Kiev University enjoys national and international reputation for the contribution in scientific research. The University devotes much attention to the promotion of cooperation with institutes of higher education in foreign countries on the basis of bilateral agreements. They exchange experience on teaching methods on the work of the University departments on research planning and textbook development. The agreements signed with some foreign institutions of higher education promote the exchange of curricula and syllabi scientists and post graduate students, scientific and teaching literature as well as information on the activities of the universities involved. Foreign languages are taught at all faculties of the university. As for the foreign students they study Ukrainian. The language laboratories are well equipped. There are laboratories with booths in which tape-recorders are installed the programme is transmitted from the teacher’s console which is the heart of the system. From this desk the teacher monitors the student and control them. The language laboratories promote speech practice. There are some electronic laboratories here as well. Here you can see computers for performing calculations say in students design. About one thousand operations are performed by them. At lectures on different subjects the closed-circuit television is applied.