KYIV Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe and therefore there are a lot of places of historic interest in it. Its history goes back to the 5th century. Ancient Kyiv was a large commercial centre of the East Slavs. Its position on the important waterway helped its trade. The East Slav tribes united in a single powerful state, Ancient Rus. A great role in the history of Kyiv was played by Prince Volodymyr, who united Slav peoples. So Kyiv was made the capital of Ancient Rus and it lasted for nearly three centuries. But it is not only its old age and long history that make Kyiv stand out among other cities. It is a unique and extremely harmonious combination of historic values and ways of life that draws crowds of people from all over the world to Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine is in itself a huge monument which over a long period of time has been erected by the collective wisdom and creative effort of many generations. Among the places of historic interest is St. Sophia Cathedral — the unique masterpiece and the top of the creative spirit of the Ukrainian people. Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery, another ancient monument, stands on a green hill above the Dnieper river and its sparkling gold cupolas can be seen from outside the capital. St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Church of St. Andrew, Golden Gates, Vydu-betsky Monastery, Askold's Grave and many other ancient monuments attract attention of visitors. The monument to Taras Shevchenko, the great poet of Ukraine, is in front of the Kyiv University, named after him. The monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Ukrainian national hero, stands in the square opposite to the St. Sophia Cathedral. The cultural life of our capital is rich and varied. There are a lot of fine museums in it: the Historical Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Art, the Museum of Russian Art, the Taras Shevchenko Museum, the Museum of Western and Oriental Art, the Lesya Ukrainka Memorial Museum and others. Many research institutes and higher educational establishments are to be found there. Kyiv is also famous for its theatres such as the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre the Opera House, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre, the Puppet Theatre and others. The famous Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre has one of the best opera and ballet companies in the country. Kyiv is a large political, industrial and scientific centre. Its population equals 3 million people. It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper river, the longest river of Ukraine. The picturesque banks and hills, plentiful flower-beds with different flowers, wonderful beaches of the Dnieper river, Kreshchatic, one of the widest and most beautiful streets in our country — all this adds up to the beauty of the Ukrainian capital. One half of Kyiv's territory is occupied by gardens and parks, and in spring and summer time the trees and bushes are full of greenery, and the city looks like one huge park.