UKRAINE Ukraine is located in the south-eastern part of Central Europe. Ukraine is one of the largest countries of Europe . Its area is about 603.7 square kilometers and it's population is about 52 million people . The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable for its relations with countries of Europe and with countries all over the world . The largest part of Ukraine's territory is flat. Plains make up 95% of its area. The northern and the central parts of the plains are covered with forest. Ukrainian steppes are located in the south and the south-west of the country. The only mountains are the Ukrainian Carpathians in the west and the Crimean mountains in the extreme south . The southern part of Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. There are about 23 thousands long and short rivers in our country. The major Ukrainian rivers are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Bug and the Donets. Rivers and a great number of lakes and ponds provide Ukraine with water. The animal and the vegetable world of Ukraine is rather rich . From the point of view of its natural resources Ukraine is a rich country . It is rich in coal , oil , iron ore and the building material .The natural conditions are very good for life and work. By the form of government Ukraine combines the elements of presidential and parliament republic . President is the head of the state . A president is elected by the people of the country for five years . The highest body of state power is parliament. Ukrainian parliament is called the Supreme (Verkhovna) Rada. The state flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow . The national emblem of our country is a Trident (Trizub). Ukraine is divided into regions and districts. There are 24 regions and the Republic of Crimea in Ukraine The biggest and the most important one is Kiev - the capital of Ukraine. It has a population of 2.6 million people. It is the seat of Supreme Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers and the residence of president. Kiev is also the economic and industrial center of our country. There are a lot of banks, business offices industrial enterprises here . Kiev is also famous for its beauty, for its wonderful streets lots of chestnut trees and flowers all over the city. Kharkiv is the former capital of Ukraine. It is an important industrial centre, one of the biggest transport junctions. Donetsk is a coal mining centre. Dnipropetrivsk is a large machine building centre. Odessa is a big seaport and a resort place. The climate of Ukraine much depends on its geographical position. The Carpathians and the Crimean mountains protect the country from the bitter winds. The climate of Ukraine is different in various parts of the country. The hottest region is the Crimea which has a subtropical climate. The rest of the country has a moderately climate . Winter is rather mild with no severe frosts but with snowfalls everywhere. Spring comes earlier to south and to the west of Ukraine . hi late spring it is mostly warm and sunny rains fall very seldom. In summer the weather is usually warm , sometimes hot and dry . The warmest months are July and August. Autumn is warm at the beginning , but then it gets colder , the sky is usually overcast, and it often rains.